Sunday, April 29, 2007

Toulouse - Carcassonne

We only spent a couple of days here but it's technically not Provence which will be the next post so it's going up on its own.

Toulouse was really just a point of entry to the south coast so we only stayed one night. We found a deli while wandering around the city and bought the makings of a picnic which we had down by the river.

Carcassonne was our first stop, recommended by several people, and it was well worth heading a little off our path for. The main attraction is the ancient city - a narrow maze of streets and alleyways contained within formidable 12th-century walls.

Neil with the ancient city behind him
The region is the home of the Cathars and we visited a couple of museums covering the history of the people and the inquisitors who chased them down.

From Carcassonne we headed east to Arles and then Aix-en-Provence. Next post!


At 2:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Coucou diane , c est nathalie je cherche deseperement a te joindre mais depuis 2 mois je n avais plus internet , ni de telephone a cause du demenagement , je te laisse mon adresse email mais je n ai plus la tienne car mon ordinateur a du etre formater et j ai tout perdu.JE SUIS VRAIMENT DESOLEE. j espere que tu ne m en veux pas , mes milees excuses ; a tres bientot je l espere bye nathalie


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